Eye of This Tiger

I am an introverted extrovert with a passion for stories. I love the stories that build upon each other to fill the pages of a life. There are stories everywhere. Not just in books and songs and spoken word (which I thoroughly enjoy). They are in every experience, in every dream, in every thought. And I am anxious to delve into them.

Some other tidbits on me:
I am writing a novel. I have a cat, Lupo, my little munchkin, and I spoil him. No doubt you will see him spattered throughout my posts (not literally). I love Italian: language and food. I am greatly anticipating a trip to Italy (Italia) in a couple years. I am ‘in’ to travel, health and fitness, art, and people. I am a little obsessive and indecisive (lovely combination…) so this page will probably change regularly.

15 responses to “Eye of This Tiger

  1. Do you create your own art? What is your novel about and how long have you been working on it?

    • I guess my art is my writing. 🙂 I do play around with homemade beauty products. I enjoy painting but I am not talented. I havent done it for a while, so now I need to buy new supplies.
      My book is fantasy fiction. No high fantasy with elves and the like, but with fantastical elements. I have been working on this one for a while, and I plan to complete it in the new year. I dont want to divulge any kind of story/plot details until it’s complete. But one day I’ll be able to share a ‘backcover’ paragraph, mayhap. 🙂
      I’m glad you’re interested. Don’t change! Lol. 😉

      • Writing is definitely an art and not an easy one at that! I used to write a lot of poetry umpteen years ago. I never painted until I was 30 and had to do it for an art history class. We had to draw a tree in pencil, pen and watercolors. Mine seriously looked like a kindergartener’s!! That’s what got me started in being interested in watercolor painting. I did a few cards back then, but didn’t keep it up and didn’t get back to it seriously until I was probably in my mid 40’s which was about 10 years ago. 🙂
        I wish you all the best with your book! That’s exciting. Are you going to send it to publishers or self-publish? I wouldn’t want any hints anyway; that’s no fun! 🙂 I like some fantasy; my favorite books are the Harry Potter series. But I’ve never been able to finish any Tolkien. It just depends.

      • I thought sure I had responded to this, but, alas, I do not see a response on here. 😦 My apologies.

        To answer your question: I am hoping for a combination. I would like to try for an agent and publisher first. Eventually, I hope to have a print-only deal from a traditional publisher, and retain my digital rights, or at least have them returned after a couple years. 🙂 A few months ago I read that such a deal was impossible, but a recent article on Writer’s Digest gives me hope. 🙂

        Hope you are doing well this winter. 🙂

      • That would be awesome for you! I sure hope everything works out the way you hope it does. My husband was telling me that he read about a photographer who was trying to sell his work, but just wasn’t making much. He hired an agent and the money started pouring in. He didn’t realize how much more the agent was charging and getting for his work! 🙂 So the agent thing is something I am thinking of looking into! 🙂

      • Sounds like a great idea. They could broaden your audience. The more people that see your work, the more people that will love it. 🙂

  2. hitandrun1964

    Your cat is beautiful:)

  3. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my Poetry/Blog! Continue writing! Sending wishes of success and bliss your way!

  4. Wow, Brilliant stuff just brilliant. Thank you so much for stopping over at my blog, I’m honoured.

  5. Brilliant stuff! Thank you for checking out my photographer’s blog also – all the best, Michael

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