Tag Archives: Sick

An Unexpected Weekend for a Sick Person

Friday night was beautiful. Even though I was sick and unable to breathe through my nose, I was able to write in my novel (blessed bliss), finishing that notebook and starting on the next. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ah, heaven.


But Saturday started rather distastefully. It was a blah day for the first few hours, but then I got off my bum and went out with my sis as promised (before I got sick…). Now, I’m just supposed to be along for the ride, providing company. But what happens? I end up buying out the old issues of Writer’s Digest at Half Price Books.

Then I did something I promised myself: stopped at the store for some bins to organize. Disarray hurts my creativity. ๐Ÿ™‚ But, yet again, I end up with some unexpected items. I blame my sis entirely for this though. She dragged me down the pet aisle… My baby happens to be a cat (don’t know…just happened that way). ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course, I can’t go through that aisle without buying something for him.


So now he has a new bed, a new peeping bird toy (he loves to hear it squeal when he attacks…), and new treats. He was cute when I got home. (Once I managed to fit everything through the door.) He always greets me: sometimes soft and loving, sometimes insistent for attention, sometimes just to say ‘hey’, and sometimes to show me how miffed he is that I left him again. But this was different. He jogged up to me with wide, intense eyes. He was excited. After I gave him some love, he started sniffing the bags and containers. (Maybe he smelled the bird. The last time I got him one – since destroyed by othersย – he snuck it out of the bag with the tags on before I could show him and its squeaking gave him away. A Cat’s Christmas…) He met his new possessions with curiosity, and it wasn’t long before they were in use. ๐Ÿ™‚


I commenced with my organizing late into the evening. Lupo sprawled on his new bed for hours. And I ended the day, Lupo at my feet, reading a Writer’s Digest issue from several years ago. Those are going to be fun – even though I have read many of them previously.

Sunday I went out again with my sis – dangerous thing. I was doing a little birthday shopping for a friend; and we were supposed to pick up some concert tickets, but I had forgotten they were closed on Sunday, so I’ll have to go out again tomorrow to get those.

I haven’t been this active on a weekend in quite sometime. At least not outside my home… And especially not when I’m ill.

I had plans to get a chunk of writing done this weekend, but productivity turned in a different direction on Saturday and most of Sunday. But then comes the wee hours of the morning… ๐Ÿ™‚ I can still fit some words in. ๐Ÿ˜‰

(By the way, worst dream ever Sunday morning… I guess now I can authentically write about a character losing their entire family and narrowly escaping death. Jiminy Christmas. That’s what I get for sleeping flatย on my back…)

Here’s to a great week for everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚


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